About Me!

Me and my niece Quinn writing a story together
Me and my niece, Quinn, writing a story together

Hi! I’m Grace, a 20-something-year-old from a small town in Illinois.

I love to write! Professionally, I am a freelance writer and editor, and I teach ELA lessons to kids of all ages to work on their reading and writing skills.

In my personal time, I love writing stories and poems. My ultimate bucket list goal is to finish writing and publish a novel!

I also love getting hooked on my latest book or tv show obsession and spending time with my family, particularly my nieces (Kenzi, age 10, and Quinn, age 7). We are currently reading Harry Potter together (oh, the joy of them falling in love with a series I love. It is wonderful!).

I also love playing board and card games with my family (Cribbage and Euchre are my favorites). 

About Dream, Write, Edit

Writing is a challenging and lonely endeavor. On this website, I hope to provide tips, inspiration, and a community for people who love to write.

Where to start?

Look around. I hope you can find some helpful information.

I’d also love to hear from you all with any comments, questions, or ideas for posts you would like to see. Email me at gracehopenewman@gmail.com or use the connect with me buttons.